These characteristics are very important to the system used in pipe laying. 这些特性为系统在输油管道上的应用奠定了基础。
Design and Improvement of Back Reamer in Directional Drilling Non-excavation Pipe Laying Construction 导向钻进非开挖铺管施工扩回钻头的设计改进
On Dragging Pipe Laying Technology Applied in the Crossing Projects 拖拉管管道敷设工艺在过路穿管工程中的应用
Discusses the selection of floor area and heat release per unit floor area for heating pipe laying, and presents some primary suggestions for project design. 探讨了敷设加热管的地面面积和单位地面面积散热量的选取,提出了初步建议,供设计时参考。
This paper introduces some types of pipe laying barges widest used worldwide. 介绍了国外目前使用最广泛的几种类型的铺管船。
Trace design is the key of trenchless horizontal directional drilling pipe laying engineering, the paper makes a deep research on the trace optimization design with dynamic programming theory. 轨迹设计是非开挖水平定向钻进管线铺设施工的关键。本文应用动态规划原理,对轨迹最优化设计进行了深入研究。
Application of Endotracheal Tube for Replacing Tracheotomy Casing Classification of Build-up Intensity in Trenchless Technology for Pipe Laying 用气管导管为导芯更换气管切开套管导向钻进非开挖铺管的导向强度研究
The Application and Plan of Trenchless Technology to Pipe Laying at Hefei 合肥市地下管线非开挖技术应用规划探讨
Classification of Build-up Intensity in Trenchless Technology for Pipe Laying He no longer had much incentive to studying. 导向钻进非开挖铺管的导向强度研究他已没有多少魄力去作进一步的钻研。
Open pipe laying in rooms that need to be protected should generally be avoided, as standard requirements cannot be fulfilled. 由于不能达到要求,一般宜避免在室内铺设需要保护措施的开放式管道。
Load calculation, pipe laying ways, and issues that special attention should be paid to in the design are discussed in accordance with the real engineering situation. 针对实际的工程情况,本文对负荷计算、管道敷设方式设计中应注意的问题进行了探讨。
Application of Pilot Drilling in Long Distance Pipe Laying Project under Complicated Space Conditions 导向钻进在复杂场地条件下长距离铺管工程中的应用研究
The Exploitation and Application of Pipe Laying Geography Information System 输油管网地理信息管理系统的开发与应用
According to piping vertical transmogrification formula, it showed that requirement of ring stiffness could be reduced if well laying, and emphasized the importance of pipe laying. 论文又以管道的竖向变形量公式为依据,论述了如果铺设情况比较好,对于环刚度的要求就可以减低的观点,并着重阐述了铺设的重要性。
CAD system for3D hydraulic pipe laying developed on personal computer is presented. 介绍在微机上开发的液压系统三维管道布置的计算机辅助设计系统。
Research on Pipe Laying Process with Pneumatic Pipe-rammer 气动夯管锤铺管施工工艺的研究
The guided boring technique grown up in the 1980s is the most superior among various pipe laying techniques. 80年代开发的导向钻进非开挖铺管技术是诸多非开挖铺管技术中最具优势的技术。
Data Acquisition System for Isothermal Pipe Laying Experiment Based on VB and PC-6319 基于VB和PC-6319的等温输油管路实验数据采集系统
In pipe laying and lifting analysis, the contact condition between pipeline and seabed, including deflection, rotation angle and bending moment, is sometime tricky in a normal mechanical model. 海底管道的铺设分析和提升分析都用到管道和海床之间的接触条件,这个同时含有挠度、转角和弯矩的接触条件,在一般的力学模型中是很难理解的。
Meanwhile the practice case of trenchless gas pipe laying in rocks at Yixing City. 同时,介绍了宜兴市岩石非开挖铺设燃气管道的施工实例。
The design and construction for the prestressed concrete cylinder pipe laying in tunnel 隧洞内钢筒预应力混凝土压力管的铺设
Techniques of trenchless pipe laying in rocks were an inevitable outcome during the development of the technology. 岩石非开挖铺管施工技术是非开挖发展到一定阶段的必然产物。
Optimization of Pipe Laying Mode in Built-up Beam Construction System 组合梁结构体系中管道铺设方式优选
Heat pipe network installation can be used the following methods: on the floor laying, pipe laying and burial trench laying. 热力管网的敷设可以采用以下几种方法:地上敷设、管沟敷设和直埋敷设。
Horizontal Directional Drilling technology is widely used in urban underground pipe laying engineering. 在非开挖工程中,水平定向钻进技术广泛应用于城市地下管线铺设工程。
The pipe laying derrick vessel including both pipe-laying and lifting functions will play an important role in ocean resources 'exploitation, and the number of it will be greatly demanded. 起重铺管船包括了起重和铺管两项功能,将会在我国的海洋资源开发中发挥巨大的作用,其数量将会有很明显的增加。
Meanwhile, a variety of laying ways are used for the cable installation, such as directly buried laying, cable duct laying, tunnel laying, pipe laying and so on, by which the economy and reliability of the cable operation are affected directly. 同时,电缆的敷设方式多种多样,如直埋、电缆沟、隧道、排管敷设等。不同的敷设方式,将直接影响到电缆运行的经济性和可靠性。
On the marine riser J-SCR pipe laying process was described in detail. ( 3) Riser on the existing international standard girth fatigue problems were analyzed. 对海洋SCR立管J型铺管工艺进行了详细的说明。(4)对现行国际立管环缝疲劳标准存在问题进行了分析。
In recent years, the rapid development of urban heat pipe network, especially the buried pipe laying technology has been widely used. 近几年来,城市热力管网发展迅速,尤其是直埋管道敷设技术更是得到了广泛的应用。
Pipeline earthquake impact factors including the intensity of an earthquake, pipe laying and geological environment, the contents of the materials used in buried pipelines, pipe and pipe connections, and the radius of the buried pipeline. 在地震作用下对管道的影响因素主要包括地震的烈度,管道埋设的地质环境,埋地管道所使用的材料、管与管的连接方式、埋地管道的半径等方面的内容。